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266 THE BORDERER& of which they are in little danger, - we mean a high degree of religion ; for surely excess is little to be feared, where the thing has not yet even been entered upon ! Be assured, that whatever serves to keep the heart from God, is one and the same spirit of irreligion, whether it ap- pear in the shape of coarse vice, or whether it be softened by the smoothness of decorum, and the blandishments of polished life. We are far from com- paring them together, as if they were equally injurious to society, or equally offensive to decency ; but we must com- pare them together as equally drawing away the heart from the worship and the love of God. Courteousness, which is unaccompanied by principle, will stand the most courteous in no stead, with Him who is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Some of these well-bred persons, who exercise this large and liberal candour towards practical offences, and treat with