268 THE BORDERERS. to love, all that is amiable in you ; but we must not forget, that the fairest and most brilliant creature, the most en- gaging manners, and the most accom- plished mind, stand in the same need of repentance, fgrsaking of sin, redemp- tion by the Son of God, and renovation by His Spirit, as the least attractive. The more engaging the manners, and the more interesting the acquirements, the more is it to be lamented, that those very attractions, by your complacency in them, may have stood between you and heaven, - may, by your resting in them, have been the cause of your not press- ing towards the mark for the prize of your high 'calling of God in Christ Jesus. Bear, then, in mind, that you may be pleasing to others, while you have an unsanctified heart ; that politeness, though it may put on the appearance of humility, is but a poor imitation of that prime grace ; that good breeding, though the beautiful decoration ofa pious