(270 THE BORDERERS. of its commands. This may be nominal, but it is not saving Christianity. It is not that spiritual, yet practical religion, for which the Son of God endured the cross, that He might establish it in the hearts of His followers, --which He is pleading with His Heavenly Father to establish in your heart. He did not suf- fer that His children might be excused from self-denial ; nor that, because He was holy, they might be negligent. He suffered, that " the women that are at ease might rise up ; that the careless daughters might hear His voice, and give ear unto His word." - He, who divinely addressed fallen creatures, knew that a half-resist- ance was no resistance ; and therefore never proposed to them half-measures. He knew that it was not enough to corn- mand us to shut the eye, and to arrest the hand. The command is radical. It ex- tends in the one case to plucking out, in the other to excision. If you are disposed to think that what you must give up is great, compare it