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281 ON THE CORRUPTION of our reach, and then threatened to punish us for failing in that which he himself had made impossible ? Is it probable that He, whose eyes you say are so pure, that he cannot look upon iniquity, should tolerate it, by tying our hands, and blinding our eyes, and thus abandon us to the unrestrained dominion of that which he hates ? The only real question which concerns us in our present imperfect and proba- tionary state, is this : - Are the state- ments of Revelationsufficient to establish this or that doctrine ? And is the doc- trine so established a sufficient ground for the duties required ? If this be answered in the affirmative, then to ask for fewer difficulties, clearer light, or stronger motives to action, is only to enter a vain contest with Almighty wisdom, and Divine supremacy. Our present disobedience proves that more light would only increase our guilt, stronger motives would only render us more inexcusable. We should reject