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Q88 ON THE CORRUPTION anity, and because their deep humility sanctified their astonishing powers of mind. These wonderful men, at whose feet the learned world is still satisfied to sit, sat themselves at the feet of Jesus. Had there been any other way but the cross by which sinners could be saved, they, perhaps of all men, were best qua- lified to have found it. The wise and the weak, the illiterate and the learned, cannot, indeed, equally discuss or expound these doctrines, but they are equally saved by them. In view of the simple means of salvation, talents lose their superiority, learning its dignity, and power its pre-eminence. While the sober Christian keeps on his safe, because prescribed, course ; the wise, and the dis- puter of this world, by deserting it fall into absurdities which plain men escape ; theymake the difficulties they donot find, and wander in the endless mazes of pre- sumptuous deviation. To return, then, to the particular doctrine under consideration : - Let us 9