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OF liUMAN NATURE. 291 mit with as little scruple as the lowest. The frequency of duelling, the breach of the seventh commandment, two offences frequently found in the same company, gaming, the violation of the Sabbath, with other enormities, would alone suffi- cientlyprove the principle to exist, inde- pendently of rank, education, or fortune. Are not what, by way of distinction, we may call the metaphysical or spiritual sins, which are cherished without loss of character, -is not ambition, which knows no bounds,- envy, which knows no rest, - avarice, which destroys all feeling, - jealousy, which is its own tormentor,- ill-temper, which is the tormentor of others, - ungoverned anger, which is murder in its first seed ; are not all these equally to be found in the high-born and the low-bred ? Again, is not sensuality in the great, which in the case of the poor might have produced unfair means to indulge it, -is not the love of splen- dour and ostentation, which are thought to add dignity to the rich, the very prin- o