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Q92 ON. THE CORRUPTION ciple which leads the necessitous to forgery, the crime for which so many are now suffering capital punishment ? If, then, men would examine their own bosoms as closely, as they censure the. faults. of others loudly, we should all find there the incipient stirrings of many a sin, which, when brought into action, by the temptations of poverty, of ignorance, of unresisted passion, produce conse- quences the most appalling. Let us then bless God, not that we are better than other men, but that we are placed by Pro- vidence out of the reach of being goaded by that temptation, stimulated by that povertY, which, had they been our lot, might have led to the same termination. ' Let, then, the fear of God, the know- ledge of this word, and the knowledge of ourselves, teach us that there is not, by nature, so wide a difference between our- selves and the men we abhor as we fondly fancy ; that there is not, by nature, a great gulf fixed, that they who are on this side might not have passed over to