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808 UNIVERSAL OBLIGATION to the duties of Sunday, - which is, in- deed impracticable, let men talk as they please, - they desecrate the Sabbath to secular purposes, and so contrive to keep no Sunday at all. Stated seasons for indispensable em- ployments are absolutely necessary for so desultory, so versatile a creature as man. That which is turned over to any chance- time is seldom done at all ; and those who despise the recurrence of appointed times and seasons, are only less censur- able than those who rest in them. Other duties and engagements have their allotted seasons ; why, then, should the most important duty in which an immortal being can be. employed, by being left to accident, become liable to occasional omission, liable to increasing neglect, liable to total oblivion ? All the other various works of God know their appointed times ; - the sea- sons, the heavenly bodies, day and night, seed-time and harvest ; - all set an ex- ample of undeviating regularity. Why