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812 UNIVERSAL OBLIGATION tainly an admonition of general obli- gation,. This, indeed, is not the place to enter on that mass of concurring evidence which so irresistiblyconfirms the especial truth of Christianity. But is it not extra- ordinary that these men who overlook, or rather enquire not into, that accu- mulation of evidence in the exhibition of miracles, and the fulfilment of pro- phecy, - that is, who do not read the Bible,- should not at least attend to one species of evidence more immediately within their reach, and more intelligible to common observation ; we mean the confirmation derived to the proofs of Scripture, from the history of the world, from their avowal of moral evil, their careful cultivation, where it suits them, of habits of an opposite nature, their practical and prudential maxims, where they have an end to pursue, an interest to gain ? Do not similar rules, applied to Christian principles, and delivered in the Divine record, prove clearly that our