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OP PRAYER. 315 favouredmen who saw the future, through the dim and distant perspective of pro- phecy, would have rejoiced to see the things which you see, and have not be- lieved ? How gratefully would many of these illustrious spirits have accepted advan- tages which you overlook ! How joyfully would they have received from Himwho cannot lie, the assurance, that if they would seek of Him that truth after which they " were feeling," they should find it ! How gladly' would that sublime and elegant spirit, whose favourite theme was pure spiritual love, have listened to the great apostle of love ; to him who caught the flame, as he leaned on the bosom of his affectionate master ! How would this same exalted genius, who taught the immortality of the soul to the bright, yet blind, Athenians, - he, whose penetrating mind rather guessed, than knew what he taught, - whose keen eye caught some glimpses of a brighter state through the darknes3 r2