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or PRAYER. 819 does a small kindness without a view to asking a greater. He deprecates excess in every thing, but always lives upon its confines. Prayer enters not into his plan, - he has nothing to ask, for he has all in him- self, -thanksgiving is still less his prac- tice, for what he has he deserves. He has read that " to enjoy is to obey," and he is always ready to give this cheerful proof of the most unlimited obedience. He respects the laws of the country, especially such as guard pro- perty and game, and eagerly punishes the violators of both. But as to the laws of God, he thinks they were made to guard the possessions of the rich, to punish the vicious poor, and to frighten those who have nothing to lose. Yet he respects some of the commandments, and would placard on every post and pil- lar that which says, " Thou shalt not steal ;" whilst he thinks that which says, " Thou shalt not covet," might be ex- punged from the Decalogue. P4