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ERRORS IN PRAYER. 825 time ? He certainly would, had He not in His wisdom foreseen they would not have been good for -you ; and, therefore, in His mercy withheld them. Is there not some secret, unsuspected infidelity lurking behind such impatience ? Is it not virtually saying there is no God to hear, or that he is unfaithful to his pro- mises ? For is it not absolute impiety to insinuate an Accusation that the Supreme Judge of men and angels is capable of in- justice, or liable to error ? God has plea- sure in the prosperity of His children. He neither grants nor denies any thing which is not accurately weighed and measured; which is not exactly suited to their wants, if not to their request. If we pray aright it may please God, not only to grant that for which we pray, but that for which we do not pray. Sup- plicating for the best things, we may re- ceive inferior and unrequested things, as was the case with Solomon in his prayer for wisdom. God will not forget our la- bour of love. If he does not seem to 8