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ERRORS IN PRAYER. -537 passions are regulated by religion, they are not totally extinguished. Under the pressure of any affliction, thy will be done, as it is the patient Chris- tian's unceasing prayer, so is it the ground of his unvarying practice. In this brief petition he finds his whole duty com- prised and expressed. It is the un- prompted request of his lips, it is the motto inscribed on his heart, it is the principle which regulates his life, it, is the voice which says to the stormy passions, " Peace ! be still !" Let others expostu- late, he submits. Nay, even submission does not adequately express his feelings. We frequently submit, not so much from duty as from necessity ; we submit, be- cause we cannot help ourselves. Resig- nation sometimes may be mere acquies- cence in the sovereignty, rather than conviction of the wisdom and goodness of God ; while the patient Christian not only yields to the dispensation, but adores the dispenser. He not only sub- mits to the blow, but vindicates the hand