350 GOD OUR FATHER. It swallows up His grandeur in His beneficence. It involves also the inhe- ritance belonging to our filial relation. It fills the mind with every image that is touching, and the heart with every feel- ing that is affectionate. It inspires fear softened by love, and exhibits authority mitigated by gratitude. The tenderest image the Psalmist could select from the abundant storehouse of his rich concep- tions, to convey the kindest sentiment of God's pity towards them that fear Him, was that it resembles the pity of a " father for his own children." In directing us to pray to our Father, our Divine Master does not give the command without the example. He every where uses the term He recommends. " I thank Thee, oh, Father, Lord of heaven and earth 1" And in the 17th of St. John he uses this endearing name no less than seven times. " Lord, shew us the Father and it suf. ficeth," was the ill-understood prayer of the inquiring disciples. To us this peti-