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8,54 FORMS OF PRAYER. In speaking of the manner in which we Should address our Heavenly Father, it is to be observed, there may be evident differences in the state, both of the mind and circumstances, for which the best written forms of prayer can make no provision. We ourselves can alone know those varieties, and the petitions which expressly belong to them. We are some- times under the influence of particular tempers, which we wish to cultivate and improve ; in this case, we shall naturally use addresses very different from those which the prevalence of unfavourable tempers or wrong dispositions require. As to the outward events in which we are concerned for accident is a term which has no place in the Christian's vocabulary God in every dispensation is at work for our good. In more pros- perous circumstances, He tries our grati- tude ; in mediocrity, our contentment ; in misfortunes, our submission ; and as every new situation calls into exercise some new virtue, by consequence it calls