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364 IMPUTED SANCTIFICATION, becomes a fountain of impiety. Instead of humbling the sinner, it confirms him in sin ; instead of purifying, it corrupts ; instead of sobering, it inebriates ; and lands him on a daring and presumptuous confidence. Instead of promoting the cause of God, as it professes, it advances that of Satan. It is a false light which leads to utter darkness, for " if the light which is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness !" This error is so much worse than any other sin, as, by fair and legitimate deduc- tion, it renders all virtue anomalous, and consequently all prayer ridiculous. Vir- tue cannot be needed, where to be like- minded with Christ is replaced, or made synonymous with having his holiness substituted for our own ; and prayer can- not be upheld in any one of its essential qualities, where no room is left in the heart for self-distrust, meekness, lowli- 'less of spirit, the fear of offending God, and the sense of dependence on him for more grace."