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PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION. 369 mortal journey; which will require new applications to the Throne of Grace for support. With that support promised to prayer, though " Alps on Alps arise," we need not be discouraged. For if our progress be an upward, it is an onward path, and the acclivity diminishes the higher we ascend. Difficulties may be great, but, with the grace of God, they will. not be insuperable. God is not only strong, but Strength. Yet, let us not aim at an ascent above our promised support. In aspiring to reach a visionary elevation, we lose the height we had actually gained. It is curious to observe, how naturally one invention involves another. We find an instructive illustration of this truth in a Pagan fable. Daedalus was not only made a prisoner himself in the labyrinth of his own projecting, but, like, the projectors of the new theological metaphysics, he was no sooner involved in its mazes, than he went on to study a new and still wilder contrivance. But