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370 PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION. his next invention, his wingS of wax, in which he trusted to secure his flight, in their ultimate result betrayed their in- sufficiency. His incautious companion, by mounting above the prescribed region of safety, exposed his artificial wings to be melted by the sun, as a punishnient for approaching it too nearly. His fate was the inevitable consequence of his temerity. If we were completely and instantane- ously sanctified, such a state would boldly contradict the character of our human condition, every where described in Scrip- ture, namely, that life is to the end a journey, a conflict, a race, a warfare ; whereas, in the new scheme, all would be instant peace ; the Christian would have no more to tempt, no more to fear, no more to resist ; in short, as to security, earth wouldbe heaven. Every thing that is great, is progressive. The noblest things are the longest in attaining their perfection. This analogy subsists in nature, and in grace, Surely, 18