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CHARACTER OF SAINT PAUL. 371 then, there is no assignable period, when our virtues will be incapable of addition ; when our duties will be finished ; when our piety will have soared to such a pitch as to render a higher elevation impossible, as to render prayer, not only unnecessary, but absurd. Saint Paul's conversion was indeed instantaneous, but it was miraculous. Yet, though it was attended with circumr stances peculiar to itself; though the shining light from heaven surrounded him ; though, to evidence the miracle, he heard the voice of the Lord Jesus him- self; though his natural sight was taken from him, preparatory to the opening of his spiritual eyes; though his change was of this distinguished character, yet did he stop short there ? So far from it, he only began to cry out, 66 Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ?" Thus we see, that the instantaneous conversion was prayer ; practical prayer ; prayer which in- volved doing ; prayer which denoted progress. . 6