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372- CHARACTER OP SAINT PAUL. If ever progressive sanctification was exhibited in the life, as well as writings pf any one man more than another, it was in this heroic champion of divine truth. If ever one man more than an- other had a right to depend on his own safe state, it was the divinely illuminated Saint Paul. Yet, did he spend his after-life in self- satisfaction and indolent security ? Did he ever cease to watch, or pray, or la- bour ? Did he ever cease to press the duty of prayer on his most established converts ? Did he, in the confidence of supremely eminent gifts, ever cease him- self to pray ? Were his exertions ever abridged ; his self-denial ever dimi- nished? Did he rest satisfied with pre- sent, though supernatural attainments ? Did he remember the things which were behind? Did he live upon the good he had already done, or the grace he had already received ? Did he count him- self to have attained ? Did he stop in the race set before him ? Did not he