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CHARACTER OF SAINT PAUL. 373 press forward ? Did not his endeavours grow with his attainments ? Did not his humility, and sense of dependence out- strip both ? If he feared being a cast- away, after the unutterable things he had seen and heard, and after thewonders he had achieved, shall the best man on earth be contented to remain as he is ? If it were attempted, the most sanguine man on earth would find it to be impossible ; nothing either in nature or in grace at continueth in one stay." He who does not advance, is already gone back. This glorious, because humble Apostle, went on in progressive sanctification, he con- tinued to groW and to pray, till he at length attained to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. But what enabled this unparalleled man to maintain to the end, this painful con- flict ? It was the same support which is still offered to the meanest Christian. It was humble, fervent, persevering prayer. It was the spirit of supplication, infused and sustained by " the renewing