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CIIARACTER OF SAINT PAUL. 375 that we stand in need of fresh sup- plies, and larger measures of this su- perinduced strength than we have yet attained. A sincere Christian must know, be- cause he must feel, that he is an inPer- feet Christian ; and to rest satisfied in a state of imperfection is not " fighting the good fight," is not " finishing our course" in the way our beginning pro- mised. As we advance, Providence as- signs us new employments, new trials. Sanctification will never have reached its ultimate point, without that persevering progress which the Scriptures every where inculcate. Do we not rob our- selves of the reward promised to those who strive to go on unto perfection, if we are stopped short by the fatal delusion, that we have already reached it ? There is a fearful denunciation in the Apocalypse, and it is made the closing passage of the sacred canon ; it is made a fence, as it were to shield divine truth from the additions and mutilations