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384 GOOD WORKS AND deter him from such as are bad, but may put his mind into. such a frame as may lead him to examine the true principle of action, and thus to find, that though he has unhappily begun at the wrong end, the right end is not even yet unat- tainable ? Who can say that he may not be brought to examine his own heart, and be thus brought to the 'exercise of cordial prayer ? By that he will be taught to know, that, " if any man will do the will of God, he shall know of the doc- trine whether it be of God.": Our compassionate Redeemer .che- rished every hopeful appearance. When he saw some symptoms of goodness in the young Ruler, " He loved him." But his amiableness was not religion. Though his obedience to the commandments was less defective than that of many a high professor ; like others, who confidently trust in their own merit, he enquired, not, it is to be feared, so much for im- provement, as from a sense of consciou4