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A NOMINAL FAITH. 385 integrity and the hope ofcommendation, - he enquired what was yet wanting to the perfection ofhis character. He who knew all things, already knew that his love of money was greater than his love of God. Here he saw that this promising character was vulnerable. The one thing he wanted was more than the many things he possessed. He failed in the trial. He had some concern about his soul, but more about his money ; he went away sorrowing," because he could not secure the one without the sa- crifice of the other. This is, with us, as much a test of dia. racter now, as it was then. It is not until we see a man acting in direct oppo- sition to his predominant sin that we can venture to hope that he is renewed in the. spirit of his mind, that he is even got on right ground. Zaccheus, who probably set, out worse than the ruler, obtained this grand victory which the other missed. This promising young man, in pro-- claiming his obedience to the commands,