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386 GOOD WORKS AND did not, however, boast of his devotion ; yet, in so moral a character, we cannot suppose that prayer was altogether ne- glected ; but it must have been that prayer of which our Lord says, " This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips ; but their heart is far from me." Had it been sincere prayer, it would have been influential prayer. No slave to avarice can worship God in spirit and in truth; and it is such that the Father seeketh to worship him. While the heart remains unchanged, the temper unsanctified, and the life unfruitful, the prayer has not been " the effectual fervent prayer, which availeth much." But there is a third character, who, thinking both the others lately noticed to be wrong, is determined himself to be right. He divides the difference, and adopts half of the scheme of each. He approves of works, but doubts their un- assisted efficacy to obtain salvation. He honours the Redeemer, and places con-