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A NOMINAL FAITH. 887 fidence in His sacrifice ; but it is not a full, entire, unmeasured confidence. He thinks the Saviour so far competent to- wards effecting part of his salvation, that he cannot be saved without Him, but dares not trust Him with the whole. So, without intending to be profane, he enters into a kind of partnership with Him whose blood was made a full, per- fect, and sufficient oblation, and satisfac- tion for the sins of the whole world. He proposes to contribute his own share to a contract of his own making, trusting that, as the Saviour knows he is not per- fect, He will graciously supply whatever is deficient in his services, and make up what is lacking to their perfection, he himself continuing to be the workin partner. But, if he be a thinking and a feeling character, if he be sincere in his desire after Divine truth, though ignorant of its true nature, he at length begins to find that the plan, which he once thought so admirably contrived, does not answer. s 2