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390 CHRISTIANITY from the original flame, an assimilation to his nature, since God is love. In faith their may be fear ; in works their may be constraint ; but the inspir- ing, invigorating, endearing principle of love changes the fearful slave into the affectionate child ; transforms Him, whom we had degraded as a hard master, into a tender father. This love makes la- bour light, service freedom, dependence safety, duty delight, sufferings easy, obe- dience pleasure, submission choice. By the warmth with which he now cultivates this " Unctidn from the Holy One," he will be rendered more meet for that fulness of joy which is at God's right- hand for evermore. He has now completely found his own utter insufficiency for this great work. He is in the situation of the newly con- verted apostle, who had doubtless pre- viously exercised a regular but formal devotion ; but.. it never could have been said of him till then, " Behold, he