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892 CHRISTIAMT, that he almost forgets it is his duty. It is no longer his task, but his refreshment. Whatlately seemed anecessary drudgery, the severe injunction of a hard master, if now the pleasant service of an affection- ate son. He is deeply grieved at the time he has lost, but he is no less disposed to retrieve than to lament the past. He has found that the soul will not be saved where the heart is not renewed. Of that renewal by the influence of the Divine Spirit, he is become more and more sent. sible in his devotional exercises. With a deeper sense of imperfection as he becomes less imperfect, he is yet sen- sible of new dispositions, ofnew energies, of a heart to trust, and a will to obey. He feels an increasing desire of eon- formity to his Divine Saviour, and such a growth in grace, that with him to will and to do is almost become the same thing. All the faculties which God has given him are filled with the idea of God