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CONDITIONS AND REWARDS. 397 me, I will honour," is both a condition and a reward. What is the promise of pardon to repentance, but a condition ? The negative denunciation is a condition. " Ye will not come to me, that ye might have life." - " Without holiness no man shall see the Lord ; without faith it is impossible to please God." Do not these imply the blessings attending the contrary temper ? State the question thus : Shall we be heard, if we do not pray ? Shall we be pardoned, if we do not repent ? " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." It is the love of God, then, which is the condition of obtaining those things which the heart of man can- not conceive. All the promises made to faith are conditions, as are those made to holiness. The good and faithful servants who well employed their ten and five talents, were rewardedby having their talents doubled; the punishment of their unprofitable com-