FEAR OF DEATH. 419 kept in exercise ; -a spirit of rare disin- terestedness ; a moralist of unblenched honour, but who pleaded that duty had left him little time for devotion ! Should Divine grace incline him at last to seek God, should he begin to pray to be ,pre- pared for death and judgment, he will deeply regret with the contrite cardinal, not that he served his king faithfully, but that his highest services had not been devoted to their highest object. In this frame of mind, that ambition which was satisfied with what earth could give, or kings reward, will appear no longer glorious in his eyes. True and just to his sovereign, devoted to his country, faithful to all but his Saviour and himself, he now laments that he had neglected to seek a better country, neglected to serve the .King Eternal, the blessed and only Potentate,; neglected to obtain an interest in a kingdom which shall not be moved. He feels that mere patriotism, grand as is its object, and important as is its end, will not 'afford T6