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CONSOLATIONS OF PRAYER. 405 keen detector of any latent evil, which, like the fly in the box of perfUme, may corrupt much that is pure. When this communion with God can be maintained, it supplies deficiencies of devotion to those who have little leisure during the day ; and by thus rescuing these otherwise lost hours, it snatches time from oblivion; at once adds to the length of life, and weans from the love of it. If the wearied, and restless body be tempted to exclaim, " WouldGoa it were morning !" the very term suggests the most consoling of all images. The quickened mind shoots forward beyond this vale of tears, beyond the dark val- ley of the shadow of death ; it stretches onward to the joyful morning of the Resurrection ; it anticipates that blessed state where there is no more weeping and no more night ; no weeping, for God's own hand shall wipe away the tears.; no night, for the Lamb himself shall be the light.