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CONSOLATIONS OF. PRAYER. 4Q7 you ; and whatever are your wants, there your resources are inexhaustible, What joyful appeals does the psalmist make to Him to whom the darkness and - the light are both alike ! " Have I not remembered Thee in my bed, and thought upon Thee when I was waking ?" In the night," he again exclaims, " I commune with my own heart, and search out my spirit." And of this holy prac- tice was he so little weary, that he re- solves to persevere in it. " As long as I live will I magnify Thee in this man- ner." Similar to this is the Apostrophe of the evangelical prophet, " With my soul have I desired Thee in the night." The Psalms of David exhibit the finest specimenof experimental and devotional religion in theworld. They are attended with this singular advantage and this unspeakable comfort, that in them God speaks to us and we speak to Him. This delightfUl interlocution between the King of saints and the penitent sinner; this interchangeof character, this mixture of