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428 CONSOLATIONS OF PRAYER. prayer and promise, of help implored and grace bestowed, of weakness pleaded and strength imparted, of favour shown and gratitude returned, ofprostration on one part and encouragement on the other, of abounding sorrow, and over- flowing mercy, this beautiful variety of affecting intercourse between sinful dust and infinite goodness, lifts the abased penitent into the closest and most ele- vating communion with his Saviour and his God. Yet, inestimable as are the Psalms of David, in every point of view, and espe- cially for the purpose here recommended, as a refuge for the suffering body, the wakeful mind, the praying spirit, and the oppressed heart - that very sanctity, and depth of devotional feeling, which is their life-blood, may lead to a dangerous misap- plication in the mouth of the irreligious. Holy expressions in prayer, and ebulli- tions of grateful praise, are more easily committed to the memory, than im- pressed upon the heart. And is there