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CONSOLATIONS OF PIlAYER. 431 was " a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief," but now when he is even "ascended to theglorywhicWhe had with his Father before the world began." How soothing is this expression of the Divine compassion ! It is not barely the hearing or the seeing, it is thefeeling of our infirmities. He was in all points tempted like as we axe: This is themost exquisite touch ,of sympathy ; he not only suffered but was tempted ; here indeed the resemblance has its limitation : for he was without sin. He knew the con- dition of " being tempted," but not that of yielding to it. It is this feeling of being tempted, which gives him such an intimate concern in the feeble, fearful Christian. He sends the angel of his presence, and saves theme What a strik- ing confirmation of the blessed truth, that in all our afflictions he is afflicted, is the awful interrogation, " Saul, Saul, whypersecutest thou," -not mychurch, but " me ?"