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132 CONSOLATIONS OF PRAYER. It is a further encouragement to the dejected spirit, that the Almighty was not contented to shew his willingness to pardon by single declarations, however strong and full. He has heaped up words, he has crowded images, he has accumulated expressions, he has ex- hausted language, by all the variety of synonyms which express love, mercy, pardon, and acceptance. They are gra- ciously crowded together, that the trem- bling mourner who was not sufficiently assured by one, might be encouraged by another. And it is the consummation of the Divine goodness, that this message is not sent by his ambassador, but that the King of kings, the blessed and only Po- tentate, condescends Himself to pro- nounce this royal proclamation, " The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gra- cious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgres sion, and sin !" Forgiving indeed, but