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CONSOLATIONS OF PRAYER. 433 in consonance with his just demand of repentance and reformation, "who will by no means clear the guilty." The ardent and affectionate Apostle of the Gentiles, within a very few verses, has also represented the Almighty under every character that is endearing and consoling. He denominates him " the God of patience and of comfort," "the God ofhope and of peace :" titles which are peculiarly addressed to all the exi. gencies of man, and graciously expressive of God's will and power to supply them. There is an appropriation of the terms to the state of the fallen children of mor- tality, calculated to take away all fear, and to fill the vacant roomwith love, and peace, and gratitude unspeakable. Refuse not then to take comfort from the promises of God, when perhaps you are easily satisfied with the assurance of pardon from a frail and sinful creature like yourself whom you had offended. Why is God the only being who is not believed ? who is not trusted ? 0 Thou