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436 CONSOLATIONS OF PRAYER- one answer, an answer which shall be. also made, by an appeal to the enquirer himself: If there is any day in which we are quite certain that we shall meet with no trial from Providence, no temptation from the world, any day in which we. shall be sure to have no wrong tempers excited in ourselves, no call to bear with those of others, no misfortune to en- counter, and no need of Divine assistance to endure it, on that morning we may safely omit prayer. If there is any evening in which we have received no protection from God, and experienced no mercy at his hands ; if we have not lost a single opportunity of doing or receiving good, if we are quite certain that we have not once spoken unadvisedly with our lips, nor entertained one vain or idle thought in our heart, on that night we may safely omit praise to God, and the confession of our own sinfulness ; on that night we