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CONSOLATIONS OP PRAYER. 439 him against the assaults of temptation, and the allurements of pleasure, none that can so sustain him under labour, so carry him through difficulties ; none that can so quicken him in the practice of every virtue, and animate him in the discharge of every duty. But if prayer be so exhilarating to the soul, what shall be said of praise ? Praise is the only employment, we had almost said it is the only duty, in which self finds no part. In praise we go out of ourselves, and think only of Him to whom we offer it. It is the most purely disinterested of all services. It is grati- tude without solicitation, acknowledge- ment without petition. Prayer is the overflowing expression of our wants, praise of our affections. Prayer is the language of the destitute, praise of the redeemed, sinner. If the angelic spirits offer their praises exempt from our mix- ture of infirmity or alloy, yet we have a motive for gratitude, unknown even to the angels. They are unfallen beings ; u 4