INTERCESSORY PRAYER. 443 of the Divine approbation, and a striking encouragement to persist in the duty of intercessory prayer. The promise of God was not withdrawn. The prayer was conditional, and could the petitioner have made up his very lowest comple- ment, the city had been saved. The interceding heart in any event is sure td gain something for itself. Prayer is such an enlarger of the affec- tions, such an opener of the heart, that we cannot but wonder how any who live in the practice of it should be penurious in their alms ; or if they do give, should do it " grudgingly or of necessity." Surely if our prayer be cordial, we shall be more ready to assist as well as to love those for whom we are in the habit of making supplication to God. It is im- possible to. pray sincerely for the well- being of others, without being desirous of contributing to it. We can hardly conceive a more complete species of self- deception than that practised by an ava- ricious professor of religion, one who u6