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446 INTERCESSORY PRAYER. too full enjoyment of them. If the one duty be done, should the other be left undone ? Happily we live in an age presenting numerous instances, where neither high station, nor great riches impede piety, or obstruct devotion. Yet it is to be feared, that the general tendency of rank, and especially of riches, is to withdraw the heart from spiritual exercises, more than the hand from pecuniary bounty. Let us then fervently include among the objects of our supplication that very pitiable and very necessitous class among the rich and great, if such a class there be, who live without any sensible feeling of the presence of God as acknowledged in prayer : -for those persons who never entertain a doubt of their own deserts, even if they do not deny Him who is the giver of the boundless blessings which lead them to forget Him. Strange I that the very overflowing cup which ought to ensure gratitude should induce forgetfulness! Strange ! that prayer to