45S THE PRAYING CHRISTIAN gion keeps her children in full employ- ment. Its finds themwork for every day in the week, as well as on Sundays. The praying Christian, on going into the world, feels that his social and reli- gious duties are happily comprised in one brief sentence - " I will think upon thy commandments, to DO them." What the Holy Spirit has so indissolubly joined, he does not separate. He whose heart has been set in motion in the morning by prayer, who has had his spiritual pulse quickened by a. serious perusal of the Holy Scriptures, will find his work growing upon him in regular proportion to his willingness to do it. He is diligently exact in the immediate dirties of the passing day. Though pro- crastination is treated by many as a light evil, he studiously avoids it, because he has felt its mischiefs ; he is active even from the love. of ease, for he knows that the duties which would have cost him little, if done on the day they were due, may, by the accumulation of many neglected days, cost him much. The