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460 THE PRAYING CHRISTIAN has to watch, as well as to pray, that his conscience be not darkenedby prejudice;. that his bad qualities do not assume the shape of virtues, nor his good ones en- gender self-applause ; that his best inten- tions do not mislead his judgment ; that his candour do not degenerate into in- difference ; nor his strictness into bigotry ; that his moderation do not freeze, nor kfis zeal burn. He has to control his impatience at the defeat of his most wisely conceived plans. He will find, that in hisbest services there is something that is wrong, much that is wanting ; and he feels, that whatever in them is right, is not his 'own, but the gift of God. He finds that his obedience is incom- plete, that his warmest affections are languid, perhaps his best intentions not realised, his best resolves not followed up. In this view, though he is abased in dust and ashes in looking up to God as the fountain of perfection, he is cheered in looking up to him also as the fountain of mercy in Christ Jesus. He