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OUR MODEL. 471 adopted. Here temporal things are kept in their "due subordination ; they are asked for in great moderation, as an ac- knowledgement of our dependence on the Giver. The request for the Divine intercession we must of course offer for ourselves, as the Intercessor had not yet assumed his mediatorial office. There is in this prayer a concatenation of the several clauses, what in human composition the critics call concealed method. The petitions rise out ofeach other. Every part also is, as it were, fenced' round, the whole meeting in a circle ; for the desire that God's name may be hallowed, His will be done, and His kingdom come, is referred to, and confirmed by the ascription at the close. If the kingdom, the power, and the glory] are His, then His ability to do and to give, are declared to be infinite. But, as we have already observed, if we do not make our prayer the ground ofour practice, if we do not pray as we believe, and act as we pray, we must not wonder