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474 THE LORD'S PRAYER if our petitions are not heard, and con- sequently not answered. In the tremendous scene in the Apo- calyptic vision, where the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened ; and another book was opened ; the dead were judged out of those things, which were written in the books ; were judged according - not to their prayers, but their works." Surely, then, Christianity is, a practical religion, and in order to use aright the prayer our Lord has given us, we must model our life by it as well as our petitions. Ifwe pray that the name of God may be hallowed, yet neglect to hallow it our- selves, by family as well as personal devo- tion, and a conscientious attendance on all the ordinances of public worship, we defeat the end of our praying, by falling short of its obligation. The practical discrepancies between our prayers and our practice do not end here. How frequently are we solemnly imploring of God, that His kingdom