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OUR MODEL. 47.5 may come," while we are doing nothing to promote his kingdom of grace here, and consequently His kingdom of glory hereafter. Ifwe pray that God would " give His Son the heathen for His inheritance," and yet make it a matter of indifference, whether a vast proportion of the globe should live heathens or die Christians ; if we pray that " the knowledge of the Lord may cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea," yet act as if we were in- different whether Christianity ended as well as began at home ; if we pray that " the sound may go out into all lands, and their words unto the ends of the world," and yet are satisfied to keep the sound within our own hearing, and the words within our own island, is not this a prayer which goeth out of feigned lips ? When we pray that " His will may be done," we know that His will is, that " all should be saved, that not one should perish." When, therefore, we assist in