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476 THE LORD'S PRAYER sending the Gospel to the dark and dis- tant corners of the earth, then, and not till then, may we consistently desire of God in our prayers, that " His saving health .may be known to all nations." For we must vindicate the veracity of our prayer by our exertions, and extend its efficiencyby our influence : if we con- tribute not to the accomplishment of the object for which we pray, what is this but mocking Omniscience, not by unmean- ing, but unmeant petitions ? If we do nothing, we are inconsistent ; but if we do worse than nothing, if we oppose, and by our opposition hinder the good which we do not think proper to support, may ive not possibly bring on ourselves the appalling charge of being " found fight- ing against God." It is indeed an easier and a cheaper way, to quiet the conscience by that common anodyne, " that the heathen are very well as they are, that the morals of the Hindoos are not inferior to those of Christians." With what sort of Chris®