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OUR MODEL. 477 tians these asserters of the rival. inno- cence of idolaters associate, we will not pretend to determine. But, allowing that we do not always send abroad the very best samples of Christianity, the verybest representatives of its practical effects, allowing also that toe man5r who remain at home, and who profess and call themselves Christians, are guilty ofcrimes which disgrace human nature, yet Christianity renounces them ; Christian governments inflict on them capital punishments. While among these poor idolaters all the social duties are trampled on, all the suggestions of natu- ral conscience are stifled, rites the most obscene, sacrifices the most bloody are offered ; and these crimes are not only committed, but sanctioned, but enjoined ; they do nOt violate religion, they make a part of it. Surely, then, politically con- nectedwith them as we are, and yet con- tentedly to leave them in their degraded state of morals, without any attempt for their improvement, do we not by this,