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478 THE LORD'S PRAYER neglect virtually pronounce, and awfully anticipate their dreadful sentence, " Let him that is unjust be unjust still, and he that is filthy let him be filthy Again, it is an easier and a cheaper way to throw the weight off our own shoulders by the cool remark, that these things belong not to us ; human efforts are superfluous ; God must bring them about by a miracle." - God, it is true, introduced Christianity by miracles; but He established it by means. Miracles; indeed, are His prerogative, kit man is His instrument. Had He not sent His Gospel and His ministers, it is probable that the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, 13ythinia, and all proconsular Asia, had never heard of Christianity to this day, which is, in-: deed, still the case of too many parts of that region. But it is not equally the effect of Di- vine grace, I had almost said, is it not equally a miracle, when, in the hottest season of the most unrelenting warfare, 11