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OUR MODEL. 479 in the most calamitous period ofunusual scarcity, when Britain had the whole civilised world in arms against her, so that she could emphatically say, "There is none that fighteth for us but only Thou, 0 God." - When it might seem business enough for any but Christians to take care of themselves, even then Britain raised the banner of the cross, not in the most unprofitable crusade for the most fruitless object, but that she might carry the knowledge of Him who suf- fered on it, to the ends of the habitable globe. - Not to redeem His sepulchre from infidels, but to communicate to them the tidings of His resurrection, and of redemption through His blood ? Is it not the effect of grace, and still more nearly approaching to a miracle, when in a period immediately subsequent, while their fields were yet red with slaughter, and thetr rivers ran blood, their cities plundered, and their kingdoms desolated, God disposed the hearts of hostile sove- reigns, ruling over opposing nations and