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482 THE LORD'S PRAYER carefully collected, minutely set down in the note-book of observation, and tri- unaphantly produced as unanswerable ob- jections to the whole plan. " Butr says the profound prelate above-named, in his very able defence of missions, preached before the venerable Society for Pro- pagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts *, "manywell-disposed persons want much to be admonished what a dangerous thing it is to discountenance what is good, be- cause it is not better, by raising objections to some under parts of it." The truth is, they are neither enthu- siasts nor superstitious, who believe that well-concerted and prudently-cOnducted societies for the promotion of this great object, acting with a deep sense of human imperfection, and in dependence upon the favour of God, will, in due time, with His blessing, without which nothing is strong, nothing is holy, accomplish the great end of bringing all the kingdoms of # Preached at their anniversary meeting, Febru- ary 16th, 1736-9.: